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ASCB - Association of Supervisors and Controllers of Brazil
Supervisors and Controllers Association of Brazil
Portuguese English
  Relation of Associates How to join us?
Exchange Rate

Quotation updated every 15 minutes

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Welcome to the ASCB

ANEC Contracts

Visualize and download the ANEC current contracts.



The ASCB was created on September 15th, 2010, in order to adjust the associated companies to provide services and supervision controls in internationally recognized quality standard.



Check the main questions and answers about ASCB.



Port Locations Overview

Check a list with the location of all Brazilian ports.


Supervisors and Controllers Association of Brazil
Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 1656 - 8° andar - cj. A - São Paulo, SP

Home | Institutional | Associates | Actions | Press | Join Us | Links | Contact

PHONE + 55 11 3039-5599

website by: Plyn!